
I was 16 years old in this pic ….. “this” began when I was 13.5 years old ….. the man in this pic was 10 years my senior …. I don’t have to ‘tell you’ what this was all about …. y’all know ….. things today are being exposed all over the planet about what “this” is …… “this” was a highly inappropriate manipulative, controlling and traumatically abusive sexual relationship ….

“This” devestated and decimated my childhood teen years …. I was pure and innocent when this started … hadn’t even kissed a boy …. I wasn’t ‘allowed’ to be a normal teen … to have a boyfriend, to go to prom with anyone, to hang out with girlfriends, just one who knew ……

I had to be at his beckoning call ….. and IF … God forbid, IF I went out on a date … or went to a dance with a guy my age or out for dinner on a date …. then I had hell to pay …. he’d be ragingly drunk and proceed to ‘make me pay’ dearly (shudder) ….

It was 2011 …. when I did a year of therapy at a sexual assault center …. where I was confronted by the lies I had been programmed to believe by him … and by those adults who knew but who were complicit …..

I had been told that “I” had seduced him …. that “I” had ruined his marriage (he never ‘lost’ his marriage) … that “I” was fully totally responsibile for all that transpired …. and “I” believed that …. hook, line, and sinker ….

And at this time …. I was confronted with proof and truth that “I” had been a victim …. “I” had been victimized, chosen, groomed, programmed, used, abused, devestated, and decimated …..

Can you imagine what this revelation did to me?

….. To realize that all my internalized self-hate/self-loathing, shame, guilt, intense suicidal tendencies and desires to die, mental health illnesses of depression, anxiety, PTSD ….. was NEVER a result of me doing something wrong …. but someone doing horrific awful things TO ME …..

I confronted this person in February 2020 ….

I walked out to the job site where he was working and I confronted him …. and I told him about what he did to me …. and how it f—-ked up my life for a good 40 years of my life ….. how his grooming, controlling, manipulation, mind-fucks telling me “God was going to kill his wife so we could be together‘ ….. all the massive psychological, emotional, mental, physical abuse …. that had devestated most all my life ….

All he had to tell me at this time was: “you know I am an alcoholic, don’t you” …. and I answered and said DUH …. I lived it with you, remember ….

I started crying because I could see this man’s heart was rock solid with absolutely NO remorse or sorrow or emotion …. no ability to consider how his behavior effected a child …. and the rest of her life ….

Nope … he just ‘dismissed me’ when I told him of all the years I lived to want to die and thought about suicide and ending my life because I could barely live knowing I had done such a horrible thing …..

I honored his dismissal …. I turned and walked away …. his parting words was “don’t get your boots wet” …… really ?? “Don’t get your boots wet“???

How about …. Jule … ‘I am so sorry for what I did to you … I was such a broken, messed up individual ….. I take ownership for my actions and sins against you ….. I am SO sorry … would you please forgive me? I apologize ….. what would be an living amends I could make to you for what I did?

Nope …. nada …..

I am sharing this because THIS is my public expose of my choice to forgive this man …. I did that many years ago … I forgave him …. I extended mercy and grace to him …. I realized that he had childhood abuse himself …. which probably led him to abuse me …. and others ….. I had empathic compassion upon him ….. and released all my fear, hurt, harm, anger, rage, bitterness, resentment, hate, revenge …. that all went away years and years ago ….

They say LOVE COVERS a multitude of sins ….. it does ….. LOVE also exposes the fruitless deeds of darkness …. it speaks the truth in LOVE ….

Paedo-philia is a horrific plague in this world that is being exposed in this season in mass numbers …. 800,000 children go missing each year …. snatched, taken, stolen…..

But what about the children like me ….. who are abused right in our own communities …. by sick individuals and extended family members and clergy youth pastors and pastors, educators, and others …..

A pastor was given a light sentence and deemed a ‘good man’ after he was charged with raping and molesting his 14 year old adopted daughter …..

Really?? Wha is wrong with this Judge that this man got off so lightly for messing up a child ….. just like me …. do you know the road that is required to walk out of this shit?? Of course not ….. but I do …..

Perhaps ….. in the last 10 years of grappling and confronting this matter in my life ….. if I had received an apology …. some expression of sorrow, grief, repentance, remorse …… then maybe this post would never be made public…..

I am not THAT girl … THAT victim …. THAT ruined, shamed, self-hating/self-loathing girl any more ….

I am a loving, kind, strong, healed and whole woman now … and I give thanks for life experience that has enabled me to personally understand that 1 in 3 women are sexually molested, raped, traumatized by the time they are 18 years old ….. 1 in 5 boys also experience same/similar abuse ….

Today …. I reveal the blight that ruined my life and my personal relationships with men for YEARS …. Today …. I tell my story with a picture …. and the repercussions can be what they are …. because I did NOTHING to deserve what transpired to me to steal my innocence and ruin years of my life and BEing …..

Today … I declare my total and complete freedom ….. and I fully heal my life and my ancestors and DNA forward and back ……

Today ….. I AM Grace2BME ….. I Am free !!

I broke my family ….

my early childhood trauma and abuse broke me …. and then I went on to have a broken family that produced broken children …..And as much as I have tried to work on healing my soul wounds … it wasn’t in time to prohibit my broken from breaking my children…..

No matter how we’ve tried to heal us …. it has never worked …. regardless, we always ended up back at broken and hurting and estranged …..

I’ve given my best attempts at healing me over the past 10 plus many years but to no avail …. something transpires and “Humpty Dumpty” falls off the wall again …. and this time it’s worse than the previous time ….

I’d love for it to be ALL my fault….. once it was all my fault, because I was suppose to be the “adult” but now, it’s not ALL on me anymore …. and I’m willingly owning my part, but I can no longer take responsibility for all the parts ….

Currently … it’s all in a another shattered shit-pile of shards and fragments … and the diagnosis is: hopeless, beyond repair, and dying it’s last breath ….

I find I must accept that diagnosed reality in order to rise up, move on, and change me … I must accept that we are all too devastated and decimated in our own rights to redeem and reconcile this mess …. all previous attempts have failed and continue to fail ….The time has come to bury it and walk on in my own journey …. and deeply heal my own BEing …..

Love …. is probably never in question in our mess ….. trust, maturity, and great grace to forgive, most definitely IS ! And if each of us as adults, hasn’t done our own deep inner soul healing work …. then nothing can change and very little can heal …

I’m convinced that to the degree one deeply loves and likes oneself … is the only way one can love or like others ….To the degree that one is capable of empathic compassion to ones own self; will be the degree one can extend true empathic compassion to another …..

Mothers are expected to be so perfect and above fail …. the high majority of us aren’t … we’re just trying to work through our own shit daily and heal all our rejection, abandonment and orphan issues while trying to pour perfection and flawless ness into our children ….

As I said, I epically failed in this endeavor time and time again …. And there comes a time when no one can manage the pain and toxicity levels of dysfunctional brokenness, it becomes better to just run away and stay far, far away from one another ….

Again, each needs to be choosing to do their own inner self work … and choosing to self love ….Most times, we need to be the mother to ourselves we never had …. who may not have been able to be present due to their own trauma issues, or working 20 hour days to make ends meet ….No matter ….

I broke my family … and caused us to be unable to be fixed …. Hope is gone and hope is deferred and my heart is sick within ….I have leanred I must accept life on life’s terms … this is what it is …. and we are all survivors, so that is what we will do ….Each on our own …. and each in our own way best for us …..

I cannot express how truly heartsick I am to be in this place, again … to hurt and have been hurt ….. and how I would give nearly anything to wind back time and try to do things differently ….

But that isn’t how life works ….I can only fall face down in utter humility and cry out to a power greater than myself for help and healing ….And loose and let them all go ….Trusting we each fulfill what has been written in our individual scrolls ….


It is quite difficult to un-enmesh from a dysfunctional family system ….

the desire for recovery and evolution OUT of the familiar dysfunction has got to become stronger than any deeply entrenched familiar patterns that were learned and operated within that family unit ……

It is a freakin MESS ….. to detach with love …..

and many times you end up detaching with every negative emotion and behavior possible because you are literally RIPPING apart sinews that have meshed and merged together over decades and even eons …..

I realized that I want recovery, health, healing, wholeness, change, evolutionary bliss-filled living ….. rather than I wanted to continue in and among the unhealthy, negative environment of dysfunctional living …..

Sadly …. the consensus of the collective …. will be to expulse and expel you OUT … and please hear me ….. they will do it with a vengence!! It will become ALL your fault …. YOU will be the ‘bad guy’ ….. and the remaining collective will rally around one another tightly to keep it an “us vs. them” mindset ……

There is no way to obtain healthy BEing while remaining within the collective …. simply NOT possible

They will “assimilate” you … and absorb you back into the collective whole …. because they know, you will never be strong enough to resist the dysfunction of enmeshment, if you remain …. trust me, they will count on this wholeheartedly.

One must literally go “out side of the camp” so to speak ….. leave the collective ….. walk on [oh dear Creator!!] and BE all alone !! Just like a crab escaping a crab bucket ……


There is always one crab that tries to climb out ….. but have you ever noticed how, the minute that crab begins climbing, ALL these other crabs make it their business to *GRAB* hold of that one, trying to escape to pull him back …..

Until such time that his determination is greater than the power of the collective …. and the crab manages to break free and climb up and over the ledge of that bucket …. to drop out in to the “scary” wild blue yonder of the unknown …. Distinctly becoming apart from the collective …. ALL ALONE ….. nothing will be able to change ….. not one, single, thing …..

Think about it ??

Do we truly have the courage and bravery to “leave the collective” ?? To climb up and out of the proverbial “crab bucket”. Do I? Do you? Are we strong enough to want to discover who we TRULY are in our own right, enough that we will break free from the collective group speak?

Seriously? Who am I apart from my ‘collective’ assimilated BEing?? Who are you?

Well ….

I have to say that I have been on my journey OUT of this proverbial “crab bucket” for about eight years now. It has, at times, been horrifically brutal!! Hateful, hurtful, heart-rending, lonely …. I have gone through every single emotion there probably is! And wanted to DIE ….. wanted to ‘go back’ ….

Enmeshment is SO unhealthy …. however, it is what most families and collectives operate in….. because we are human …. and because we came out of LOVE and not just LOVE but …. PERFECT LOVE in our Creator ….. in order to be born into a HUMAN experience here …. in the crab bucket, if you will, of humanity !!

We each began to learn to FEAR …. we forgot the enviornment and essence of our resonant BEing was and always will be, Love …. We began to fear and then we FORGOT we are LOVE …. and here we are, right?

Fighting out way out of the collective crab bucket of FEAR … and escaping those who also are in that crab bucket of fear but want us to STAY …. when somewhere, within us, we know we must break free and GO!

I don’t know where you are in your personal journey out of the crab bucket? I don’t know if you are tired of living <less than> what deep calling to deep inside of you reasonates you are capable of living and BEcoming??

No matter ….. we are each awakening, at our own pace, moment by moment …. and slowly by slowly, we are going to hit the wall and start our climb to get out and away from the other crabs….

And while this might be a less than an exceptional way to describe what is happening …. I resonate with this for me …. so feel free to put this in your own words and analogies and visuals that work for you.

I really believe it is time for us all to consider moving out from the FEAR we’ve lived in for far to long …. and return to LOVE, the most excellent way!

We know we are destined for bigger, better, greater, and unlimited BEing. So, I think braving up and launching forth …. to climb out of our individual crab buckets, is necessary.

What do you think?

I know, I’m already on my journey …. but I have realized the past few weeks that I was trying to move back towards my crab bucket …. and I was trying to fit back in …. and withhold my voice that I had found, to speak my truth I had learned ….. and then it all blew up again in my face …. and this time, I was catapulted out of the crab bucket …..

I guess, my changes are such that I no longer fit …. I can no longer go back … and I will have to wait until they each decide for themselves to climb out for themselves …. and here I will be ….

Creator will keep me in the mean time …. and I’ll continue to evolve, and grow, and change in necessary ways that will be so beneficial and healthy for me ….

Leave me a comment if you’d like and share your thoughts about where you might be in your journey. Thanks for making time to read and grant me grace2bme ….. I am so grateful!!


Mother’s Day, for many numbers of women, is one of the most glorious, happy, joyfully wonderful times. These women are honored, respected, and celebrated by their children, husbands, and families in a myraid of unique ways

Some are waiting to celebrate the birth of their babies and participating in their first ‘official’ mother’s day; others are celebrating mother’s day with their new babies in arms along with significant others, spouses, older children and extended families.

To all the mothers here, please allow me to wish you the happiest of all Mother Day’s …. I hope it was one of your best days ever to date!!

Today, however, is also one of the saddest and possibly grievous days for many mothers.

It is a day that can be remniscent with overwhelming sorrow, grief, loss, heartache, and pain. For any of you who have never endured a mother’s grief, loss, or heartache …. I am so grateful and happy for you….

However, for so many of us, we have encountered and endured varying degrees of pain and loss from mild to excruciatingly brutal. Perhaps one way to describe this pain, is to envision oneself being dipped full-body in to a vat of acid ….. can you envision this and how it might feel ??

Mother’s have endured mis-carriages, abortions, still-births, SIDs, life-altering diseases, not to mention a broad spectrum of other issues concerning their families and children …. they have put babies up for adoption in order to provide them with a better life ….. mother’s have laid down their lives for their children in varying degrees and levels of sacrifice for milleniua to ensure that their children’s lives would have a better chance than their life did.

So, too …. I want to share about those of us mother’s who have FAILed ….

Failure is something that is SO beyond difficult for most of us humans to talk about. In a world where there is a high price and high calling to perfection; doing right, getting it right, going ‘above the call’ of duty ….. to “fail” or consistently “fail” is to bring great shame, heart-rending maim, and personal defame, doesn’t it?

Allow me to vulnerably share from out of my own life please?

I failed my four children…..

Not because I desired to or intentionally planned on doing this …. but because factors concerning my life, my birth and upbringing provided me scripting, heredity, and programming from well-meaning individuals that had their own heredity, scripting, and programming.

Erik Erikson was a German-American developmental psychologist known for his theory on psychological development. He posited that personality develops in a “predetermined order through eight stages of psychological development” ….. which you can read about here:


Failure to successfully complete a stage can result in a reduced ability to complete further stages and therefore [create] a more unhealthy personality and sense of self.”

I offer no excuse or blame of anyone for my life, my upbringing, my choices, my many mistakes made. In fact, I have spent a good twenty-plus years in therapy, counseling, and utilizing alternative mental health healing practices to dig down deep and address those underlying childhood beliefs and issues that  have caused me such dysfunction and heartache in my life.

Its not necessary for me to dive in and divulge my specific fails at this time, except to say that I have them. Perhaps, I will save those for another blog post, I’m sure. Suffice it to say, the journey of my life has caused estrangement, possible permenant ir-reconcilable differences, and a whole lot of hurt, mis-understanding, anger, bitterness, and resentment.

I don’t know if there are other mother’s who may read this and identify with anything I am saying … but if there are, please feel free to reach out to me if you are comfortable, and share your heart.

The desire of my heart is to present my truth and experience without judgment and in such a way that we can all find HOPE …..

Ends ……

Dealers of Hope

We all really need to become “HOPE DEALERS”  ….

Liberally doling out HOPE every chance we get and every where we go … speaking words of LIFE …… bringing forth HOPE and granting a positive FUTURE vision at every moment under every circumstance and in every situation …. faith is the substance of things HOPED for … the evidence of things not YET seen ……


Speak HOPE …. Live HOPE …. Dream HOPE ….. BE HOPE …


The last ten years of my life, Creator brought me into the rooms of a 12-step program and showed me  the principles of hope.  What I failed to find in the ‘system of church’,  I learned through working the principles of the 12-steps of a recovery program with my sponsor ….. I was desperate to change, to overcome, to rise above, to have the victory, and to truly become free!

The ‘system of church’  talked much about freedom but when it came to being real, authentic, and genuinely who I was;  the good, the bad, and the ugly ….  what I saw and experienced wasn’t freedom  ….  it was more so a push to be compliant and conform to become like every one else around me.




I found that I could not continue to meld into the background of being like those around me no matter how awesome and great they were ….. It was time to be courageously brave and allow who I truly was to begin to shine through.


I began writing this blog in January of 2018 …. but failed to follow through on publishing.   Life, on life’s terms had found me and I was in pursuit of other projects that were very important and meaningful, yet failed to transpire ….. In fact, half way through the year of 2018 …. the one thing that was the most meaningful to me during the last three years, imploded and was no more !!


It was a very difficult *SHFT* ….. and yet it was one that I had known was in process since November of 2017 having shown its intention during December and finally flying apart totally in June of 2018 !!


H O P E ….. has come to mean to me:

Ends ………  and allow me to add



Again, no one gets to make choices for others …… each person is allowed the dignity and respect to choose their own journey pathway, their own actions, and choices, and make their own decisions …… which then produces consequences, either positive or negative …. which we all seemingly are allowed to reap in varying degrees …..

When it is said that “we are all connected ….”   This is absolutely TRUTH !!!


We are each members of an overall body of beings ….. and no one is able to operate or activate apart from effecting the whole of creation ….. its just that we are not awake and aware of how truly powerful we all are ……  we believe ourselves to be individuals ….. and yet, we are not …. we are parts of a whole and believing we operate independently and with out consequence to others, is not truthful.


Today …. I am challenged to again, pick up my blog and begin to share from my journey of recovery yet again ….  I am NOT a victim ….. my life is not happening “TO” me …. it is happening “FOR” me and with my very best intentions purposed and designed.


Yes, I do believe in a Great Creator ….. and in a personification of Creator in human form, the Son Whose name is Jesus …. Who is my elder Brother and the One who as He is, so am I in this world now ….. and the Great Spirit who leads and guides us into ALL Truth …. I cannot deny what I have so experientially encountered in a very personal way …… but I will not insist to anyone that you believe as I do ….. spiritual things are spiritually encountered, experienced, and processed and we each, are in different stages of our journey’s.


Today ….. I am reminded of and reminding myself that there is HOPE …… that as I Hold On, Pain Ends ….. and that every single thing, even what may have been intended for hurt or harm to me, really was meant for MY GOOD ….. and so that many other lives might be impacted and encouraged in their own journey.


Here is to NEW BEGINNINGS …..  and to *SHFT* happening ….. our best days are NOW …. so live present, awake, and aware in this now present moment and imangineer and create your truly very best life possible



Grace*2*b*Me ……..  “But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace to me was not without effect …. ”

I have enjoyed taking a sabbatical from my blog writing for the last two-plus years to reflect, renew, and re-evaluate exactly what purpose I may have to share and communicate with people in such a way that they would awaken, become aware, encouraged, and empowered to emancipate themselves from negative, limiting, self-hating foundational beliefs  …….

What I have discovered in my sabbatical season is that most people I have encountered struggle because they do not know that the underlying issue in their lives is they have not learned that they need to choose to love and like themselves …..  most people are filled with self-hating and self-loathing and their self-talk, up to 60,000 words a day,  is negative, abusive, and self-defeating cursing!!

Since April of 2012, after dabbling for a good three-years in the ‘idea’ of recovery, I chose to participate in working the principles of a 12-step recovery program …. I learned my main underlying issue was that I was programmed, indoctrinated, and conditioned to be a perfectionist people-pleaser living my life for the overall benefit of others, always denying myself and my needs in lieu of preferring the needs, wants, and desires of every one else.

When I chose to make recovery my priority and began attending the fellowship of recovery,  secured a sponsor, began working the steps, participating in service work,  reading supporting literature, and addressing my underlying issues, I began to change and grow in dramatic ways ……

I believe every single person can benefit exceedingly from personally working a recovery program …. its not just people in addiction to substances such as alcohol, nicotine, meth, heroin/opiates, and other health-altering substances …. but those addicted to food, sex/porn, gambling, hoarding, shopping, extreme sports/exercise … and yes, those addicted to non-substance drama, control, people, and relationships ….

The principles of the 12-step program are just that: PRINCIPLES …. and they work when applied to any one’s life and journey ….. that is why it is about principles NOT personalities …. while in life we make everything about people and personalities …..  only tried and true principles apart from personality are what work …..

Creator brilliantly gave us principles that work when we become humbled to the point of becoming teachable, considering, and contemplative of the truth that only THERE …. but for the Grace of God do any of us live, move, and have our being …….

Take a moment to connect with me and leave a comment sharing your thoughts on recovery …… I welcome your perspective ~


Featured image

I am learning about GRACE ….. grace like a river; grace like rain; grace is sufficient for me; grace that justifies me freely; grace full of truth; grace and apostleship; grace and power; grace given as Christ apportioned it; grace that strengthens hearts; grace I have been saved; grace & peace in abundance; grace to approach the throne with confidence; grace in its various forms; grace to the humble; grace that brings salvation; grace not to be under the law; grace, so that its no longer works; grace through our Lord Jesus Christ ……..

[ Ancient Text references: Acts 15:11 6:8; Romans 11:6, 6:14, 3:20-24; 1:1-5; Titus 2:11; I Corinthians 8:7; James 4:6; I Peter 4:10; II Peter 1:2; Hebrews 4:16, 13:9; Ephesian 2:8,9, 4:7; John 1:14; II Corinthians 12:8,9; Esther 2:16, 17; ]

The system of church in this world “TALKS” about grace ….. but preaches LAW overall ……. it is too much to bear for ‘them’ to even consider that it is BY GRACE that any of us are saved; that there BUT FOR the GRACE of God do any of us go ……….

Its really NOT about your outward behaviors; its about your BELIEFS ….. beliefs are what leads to thoughts, which lead to feelings, which ultimately leads to behaviors ……… when one changes ones BELIEFS … eventually behaviors will change because thoughts and feelings will change ……… nothing changes if our beliefs don’t change………

Most of our beliefs are NOT even our own; they are programmed, conditioned, indoctrinated beliefs that we gained from zero to seven in our families of origin …….. it was THERE that the tracks of our ‘operating system’ for life were laid down – where we were educated, trained, programmed, indoctrinated, and conditioned to become and behave

If our ‘religious programming’ is about LAW; about being “PERFECT” about never making a mistake, about being GOOD ENOUGH; about ACTING outwardly correct; about EARNING our salvation and EARNING God’s love through right behavior …….. we are IN BONDAGE and DIS-ease

Jesus loves us BECAUSE we are created in the image and likeness of PAPA GOD ….. He LOVES us because LOVE is his Nature; He is FOR us because He created us and IN HIM we ALL live, move, and have our being …..

He died WITH US in Him on that Cross ……. He didn’t just die FOR us; He died AS US because we were IN HIM always ……… He paid the price as us, and we rose together WITH HIM and IN HIM to a brand new creation of life

THAT is the truth!

We are loved, accepted in the beloved, cherished, adored, supported, given life abundantly BECAUSE we are all SONS of Papa G …. only most of us don’t KNOW this yet …… because we have been taught we have to become ‘good enough’; behave ‘right enough’; conform ‘well enough’ to the standard of measurement: THE LAW


It is BY GRACE we are saved! A GIFT from Papa GOD; not of ourselves but because of HIM! Papa God became Human as Jesus Christ and HE ….. PAID THE PRICE IN FULL

When YOU realize THIS TRUTH ……. you will FOREVER be CHANGED!

You will come HOME to your Identity as a ‘son of God’; you will BELIEVE Truth, you will THINK right; you will FEEL life; and you will BEHAVE in conformity to the Truth, which is Jesus Who is God made Human …. Who is PERFECT LOVE, the most excellent way that casts out ALL FEAR!!

you ARE a ‘son of Creator God’ NOW ……. WAKE UP ….. EMBRACE that Truth …… ACCEPT this Truth and EMBODY this Truth ……. this IS your destiny! The LAW has been fulfilled ……. it is now by GRACE you have been saved; a GIFT of God, not of yourself — lest any man should boast!

Come …. for all is now ready! Come … the Spirit and the Bride say COME! Awaken to your eternal Identity as HIS SON, a child of the Creator!


He is crazy about YOU!

Crazy about  ALL his ‘children’ [i.e. the human race] who are created in His very image and likeness …… He knows the number of hairs on their head [keeps a running total even!], He has engraven each one of them upon the palms of His hands; He knows when they sleep, awaken, fall down, get down, and rise up …….. NOTHING happens to his children without HIS knowing …… His love for them sees their TRUTH, not their current place of being only …… He sees what IS not currently as if it already was reality …..

Given that Truth …….. how should we be towards those who are not walking in the liberty of the Truth YET?

We should see them as PAPA sees them NOW …. we should see and speak to the GOLD, SILVER, PRECIOUS JEWELS that are resident, yet dormant within them ….. We should call what is NOT as though it WERE because it WILL BE as we decree their Truth …..

Why focus on the negative? Why focus on what currently is and gripe about that? It does nothing to liberate them, but does everything to keep them in bondage b/c your words hold LIFE or DEATH …..

As the emerging Manifest Sons of Creator … we are called to SEE from the perspective of being seated together with Christ in the heavenly realms of being …… we are called to ‘call what is not as though it were’ because it is …..

We’re to look at the person and SEE, the Truth of who they really are and call it to come forth …..

C’mon people … the days of focusing on the ‘sin’ [missing the mark and falling short of the glory of LOVE, the most excellent way] in people’s lives ……. are over! Its time to see with eyes of FAITH, HOPE, LOVE, and a FUTURE and call people INTO their destiny of being IN HIS IMAGE ….. their ‘sins’ were forgiven IN Christ years ago …..

We are called to liberate and set the captives free …. can’t happen if we keep reminding them of their ‘sins’ which have already been forgiven ….. SET ‘EM FREE! Speak LIFE! Speak HOPE ! Speak LOVE, the most excellent way and watch the metamorphosis happen before your eyes….

Its time … Call what is NOT currently … as though it WAS …. and it shall manifest into BEING ….. even miraculously!




Broken laws can only be adequately sufficed by punishment and/or death of the law breaker…….


Long before the Law of Moses was inscribed on two tablets of stone……….. Law in the Middle East was established through Hammurabi, a Mesopotamian King.  He ruled the Babylonian Empire from 1792-1750 BC and established what is known as “Hammurabi’s Code”.  This was a collection of 282 laws inscribed upon a stone and discovered by Egyptologist Gustave Jéquier, a member of an expedition headed by Jacques de Morgan in 1901. [Picture attached].




While society long blames GOD, Moses and the Bible for enacting strict laws governing society [besides the 10 commandments, there were some 671 judicial, dietary, and sanitation laws enacted under the Old Testament or Old Covenant that  were required to be staunchly adhered to]  law was already an established reality …..


The Code of Laws for Hammurabi begins as such:


  1. If anyone ensnare another, putting a ban upon him, but he cannot prove it, then he that ensnared him shall be put to DEATH.


And ends as such:


  1. If a slave say to his master: “You are not my master,” if they convict him his master shall CUT OFF his ear.


[You are encouraged and welcomed to read Hammurabi’s Code of Laws 2-281 here: http://eawc.evansville.edu/anthology/hammurabi.htm ]



My point of this post is that society has always had LEGALISTIC LAWS to rule, govern, control, and provide guidelines for human beings [in the hopes] that they would live in peace and respect what we know in our hearts to be good vs. bad ……



Creator has never desired that legalistic law be established to control and rule over people …… this was always MANS idea and MANS solution. JUSTICE vs. MERCY


Creator desired to have personal, intimate, interactive relationship with each human being in and from their hearts and based upon LOVE, the most excellent way.  However, as you can see from the above history; society has always been governed, ruled, controlled, and dictated by LAW …… and punishment even unto death!!



Of course we all know that if you prohibit someone from doing something, it is just a matter of time before they do that very thing….. And so it is with society…..  Laws, they say, were meant to be broken….. However, laws incur correction, which is usually in the form of punishment rather than mercy …… and most ultimately leads to the death of the law breaker…. or at least some missing body parts….. [guess that ensures lessons learned, right?]


So, Creator remedied this situation by becoming a MAN, born as a Human and living life as a demonstration and model for us of living under the Law [if you will] of His time, while living the LAW OF LOVE, the most excellent way…. [Reference: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John]



IF people truly LOVE, then love does NO harm to ITSELF or to its neighbor…. the “law” is summed up like this:  Love the Lord your Creator God with ALL your heart, ALL your soul, ALL your mind, and ALL your strength; and LOVE your neighbor AS YOU LOVE YOURSELF. [KEY: loving yourself]



Imagine how our world would be different IF people TRULY LOVED themselves as Creator loves them….. From there, they would love their neighbor as they loved themselves and more so, love their Creator all the more with the same love that their Creator has for them because Creator is Source and Supply for LOVE, the most excellent way…….



The world is in the shape it is, I believe, because:


#1: individuals do not have a personal, intimate, connected relationship to Source: Their Creator – God – Higher Power


#2: individuals have NO real understanding of LOVE given they have no real connection to Creator, Who is LOVE, so that they can LOVE themselves as Creator loves them;


#3: individuals, as a result of having no personal, intimate, connected relationship to Source Creator….. Have no real ability to understand LOVE and have this LOVE for themselves…. so they are unable to truly LOVE their neighbor AS THEY LOVE THEMSELVES, thus fulfilling the “Law of Love;


#4: so the world is in every kind of turmoil, sickness, disease, dis-ease, and filled with hatred, murder, and all evil works because LOVE is the answer and LOVE comes from a personal, intimate, connected, honest relationship with Source: Creator – God – Higher Power …..



So, Creator became Man: JESUS [Colossians 1:15-17]…. and took upon Himself the SIN [II Corinthians 5:21] – missing the mark of LOVE and falling short of the GLORY of Creator – of every, single, person in the whole created dimension of being …. And DIED so that WHOSOEVER would simply BELIEVE in HIM [John 3:36] would be completely forgiven of ALL their SINS [Mark 3:28] – missing the mark of LOVE, the most excellent way; and falling short of the Glory of Creator [Romans 3:23, 24, 25]…. and be made a BRAND NEW CREATION – metamorphosed as in worm to butterfly [I Corinthians 5:17] ……  and never again be separated from Creator through the law of punishment of sin by death {Roman 5:1-3; 10:4] ……..



Jesus was Creator made Human; Who came to pay the price the Law decreed was Just – He gave His life and DIED as YOU for YOUR sins- missing the mark of love, falling short of the glory …. So YOU could be IN HIM w/out sin……



May ALL who have eyes to see……? SEE NOW….. And ears to hear, HEAR NOW!!!
